The High Cost of Low Expectations
Maiia Brindle
 No shoes, no lunch - no grammar.  They' ll be flat out reading and writing at all!
Cairns in regional Australia may appear modern - but  weird time warps occur more often than you may imagine. TROPICS of CAPRICORN 
How can 100% of any population be non academic?


Aug'09  Maiia "Recently I asked a local high-school teacher about the International Baccalaureate programme.   Her reply was that her students are "not academic"  Stepping me back in time to the 1960s.  The racist 1960s - Indigenous people and them weird, neither one thing or the other mixed breeds, could we/they be intelligent? Civilised? Assimilated?  


"Innovators 2.5% - the ground-breakers, risk-takers, creative thinkers and entrepreneurs whom by nature are designed to change the world." 





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