Women for Survival - Revival Gathering
2016 saw the return of iconic 1980's Women's activism with the Revival for Survival Camp at the American Base - Pine Gap near Alice Springs in central Australia.  

On Nov 13th 1983 the first of 96 CRUISE MISSILES ARRIVED AT Greenham Common  prompting women around the world to STAND UP and BE COUNTED. In Australia "On November 13th women scrambled over the fence and held a Boston Tea Party on the green lawns of the Pine Gap Base. When they began walking toward the buildings 111 women were arrested for trespass, each giving their name as 'Karen Silkwood', an important anti-nuclear campaigner. The Peace Camp gained much media attention nationally and abroad, particularly the mass arrest. Complaints of police mistreatment were made around the arrests, and a Human Rights Enquiry followed."
WOMEN FOR SURVIVAL: A national feminist peace coalition which brought together the various feminist peace groups in Australia - W.A, WAND - Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament, FANG in S.A, Feminist Anti-Nuclear Group and in N.S.W- WAAGV Women's Action Against Global Violence .
"The two week vigil in November 1983 at Pine Gap, just outside of Alice Springs, sought to demonstrate support for the women of the peace camps at Greenham Common (United Kingdom) and Comiso (Italy), and to bring to public attention the secrecy of the US Base and Australia's vulnerability as a nuclear target. It maintained a philosophy of collectivity, consensus and collaboration, using non-violent direct action and creativity in its approach to protest."   http://www.womenaustralia.info/biogs/PR00097b.htm.
"They liaised with local Indigenous groups out of respect and support for the Aboriginal land rights, and Aboriginal women participated in key moments of the protest. Some high profile Aboriginal activists like Shirley C. Smith, known as 'MumShirl', came from Sydney to lead the march on the first day beside local Indigenous women. "
2016 - "I'm Chloe and I have been to two peace camps to protest against the USA spy base at Pine Gap near Alice Springs, the Women for Survival camp in 1983 and a mixed camp in 1986.  Pine Gap is still there, bigger than ever, guiding drone bombs in middle east.  It should be closed down and the land returned to the traditional caretakers. "  Chloe Macqaque  
From 1981 through to 2000 the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp "When their request for a debate was ignored they set up a Peace Camp just outside the fence surrounding RAF Greenham Common Airbase. They took the authorities by surprise and set the tone for a most audacious and lengthy protest that lasted 19 years."

Maiia "We fundamentally believe that a lasting world peace will not be initiated politically, it will begin first in the hearts and minds of each of us. Until we have peace within our families and our communities and most importantly ourselves, no politician will ever have the power to bring peace."

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