Green Economy - Global Footprint

Collaborative Production  Bring YOUR voice to the  Social Innovation dialogue


U.N. Environment Programmme - UNEP  Green Economy~ How Does it Include You?
                                                         REUSE & RECYCLE BLOG     FACEBOOK 
Rethink Resources

  Share YOUR story of living sustainably.  World Environment Day  is celebrated to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action. It was the day the U.N. Conference on the Human Environment began in 1972 

 CONTENT GENERATION Create a 1-2 minute clip Or Create a What i Really DoDostoryboard meme

Deliberately incorporate recycled materials in to your budget.  Your arts and crafts practices or support a favourite community group or startup business

photo photo














use non-digital media to  Create a Banner for a Community Event. 


 Work and creative activities were produced for UMI GOT TALENT,  MNA KIDS CLUB, Digger St, Hey Day; the Youth for Peace global broadcast concert; and other community gatherings t hroughout the city to North Cairns and West Cairns Maiia  (Editor) The Entrepreneur Ship       

RRC bringing creative thought to resource exploitation, management and redistrbution.    REUSE & RECYCLE BLOG   Facebook  Brindle Style Artists Forum develops memes and themes for a local Not for Profit -using digital-media tools and or recycled 'stuff.  We built networked, streamlined, coded, simplified and unified. Sweet Potato is a constant motiff in all our collaborative work.  Sweet potato running rampant.  More about building a meme, theme, brand or product line.  Project Development   Economics   Self Determination     Voluntary Simplicity 


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