Steven Tripp

STEVEN Bowyer TRIPP is an Australian songwriter and street performer who has been challenging authority since the 1970s. 

"They say that music is "The Universal Language and I have had first hand experience to prove that it's true.  


The most magical moment I ever experienced out on the streets occurred one cold and blustering Kings Cross night while my busking companions and I were performing a Bob Dylan classic for the crowd.  I was surrounded by people young and old from all walks of life and a number of different nationalities.


All in attendance were singing the chorus of 'Blowing in the wind' when out of the night a spirit lifting wave of tribal unity descended upon our gathering.  For a fleeting moment it felt like I was at a new age love fest.


In the years that followed I was host to a number of similar events which got me thinking 'The Human family' might not be such an absurd notion after all." - Steven Tripp


Steve is a popular street performer and poet along the busking trail in mainland Australia.  After leaving the dusty wheat belt of Adelaide his earliest initiation to the protest movement was .  ‘The  Nightcap  Forest   Campaign’ in the late seventies, close to the township of Nimbin.


Amid the rich history of protests that followed Steve and his busking friends blessed the  frontline with cheerful, environmental ditties and anti war songs.


Then along came digital technology. You can find steve on facebookand youtube.  


THE PEACE ROOM   AQUARIUS    Aquarian NEWS   HENRY LAWSON.  The Faces in the Street



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