Acorn Tree Story

Build and Rebuild Mana - pride, dignity, strength, courage, authority and self-respect. Strong foundations for Life.  


MANA TAMARIKI  Let's facilitate the creation, production and distribution of no-budget, home-made culturally aware, physical and digital content and resources for kids to enjoy in joy.  Especially they can create projects themselves to share in other communities.  With an emphasis on positive psychology and healthy thinking. CONTENT GENERATION


An A4 colouring book with 4 hand drawn illustrations and 3 pages of text.  Get 3 Copies mailed to you... or download the PDF and make as many copies as you like... (only available in Australia)


Enjoy in joy... The Acorn Tree Story  - a traditional tale as retold from memory by a local homeschooler.





5.OO - proceeds go back into helping create more projects and activites for kids

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