Emotional Literacy

b531.jpg About EI or EQ Emotional Intelligence Quotient -Wikipedia


Maiia (left)  Like me, Zimmerman is a big fan of the work of  Abraham Maslow    - below is a comprehensive site


Emotional Literacy and Self-Knowledge Education. org   

 The subject is huge and still growing so -go forth and research. A few sites to explore... are listed below.

Emotional intelligence is recognising our own feelings and those of others, to manage emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.  


Emotional Literacy is useful in many contexts -including self-monitoring to avoid burn-out.   More important than many of us realise, burnout happens frequently in Cairns.  
LeaAnalytical Listening
Below: 6 Seconds.Org  - "Know yourself.  Choose yourself.  Give yourself"
Bear with him... lol, gets to purpose, vision and direction etc. Sacred Commerce




Mind Life Institute   EQI.ORG  Aus' - HEART MASTERS - D.E.E.W.R.Gov.

Centre for Social and Emotional Education 


Consortium for research in Social Intelligence in Organisations







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