The Lion |
Robert Crumb: "I don't work in terms of conscious messages, I can't do that. It has to be something I am revealing to myself as I am doing it. Which is hard to explain. Which means while i'm doing it i don't know exactly what it's about."more... Maiia; This work took longer to create than the journey across the ocean by pirate ship. Julian Young: "What's with the lion in the rainforest?Ray Of Sunshine
"There's no lofty sentiment. More like - Narnia is a great yarn and a nice picc'y for storytelling with the neighbourhood children.
The new paradigm needs permission to rise - not bombardment with bullshit.
So just a little feminist I shall not leave the the self proclaiming 'dominant culture' to drown out all subtle tones with raucus affectations of great knowing and no justification.
Over the years a richer more personal narrative evolves from the environment. The music in the background, current affairs and community events. Brindle Style 2013 - A decade of independent media production Join us for Season Ten - The World Wide Journey of the Rising Sun on the Tropics of Capricorn.
Even in the land of kangaroos and koala - Lion is still a popular cultural symbol of sovreignty.