Sustainable Arts 2 |
Maiia: (Us lot, -arts practioners, are in this 'debate cause we're tired of being ripped-off, and we're not getting to do our best work.) Arts, culture, media, government and business, and us lot have not been traditional companions. Yet like rope, the interweave of differing world views, is stronger than the individual strands.
ARTS STRATEGISTS AND AUTHORS -Cathy Hunt (AUS) and Phyllida Shaw (UK) lead a Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane discussion forum and including Cairns.
Q.) So -Why CAIRNS? A.) - We're that good!
Cairns community cultural practise is already paying dividends to govt and business. This is GOOD! Business and govt - love that! There is money in the ARTS and Creativity.
EVE STAFFORD- OAM, “Creative cities that show they are agile in re-inventing themselves for the new globalised era are leading the most competitive regions worldwide in post-industrial economies."
Maiia: Which means the Australian qualities, of adaptability and resourcefullness, have us postioned well to compete in a powerful international economy. Mixing up pesonalities, interests or sectors, as they call it, empowes this position.
'The global entertainment industrial complex has a firm corporate hold on of creative output and income. But... personal, national and cultural identity and the arts have come into greater economic focus with global technologies encouraging creative thinkers to successfully dream up concepts beyond conception of the economic rationalists of the 20th century.'"
Maiia: Ahahaha -entertainment industrial complex: - ridiculous phrase- I'm using it to illustrate the enormous power the artists do wield - derived from military or prison industrial complex- where over emphasis on economic viability can lead to a careless/foolish disregard of moral and social repurcussions through a lack of accountability.
ehe he - not sure that was a successful unjargonisation - LOL!!
Paul Green: "well it doesn't smack you in the face - you're not highlighting the fact that it's turned into a shit factory for survivals sake."
Maiia: True. That's exactly what happens.
A change of govt is one thing -but how the Australian people approach each day is what determines the future. We reap what is sown. Cautious, conservatism and playing it safe can be wise but is not thrilling and doesn't foster high levels of excellence. Our Acceptability, viability and reliabilty, scares folk with basic business sense - financial investors demand financial returns. The bottom dollar is boss. For artists the dollar only becomes bottom line when desperation sets in. To Be Continued... Paul Green: did you pick up on the irony in your last line? Maiia: which? Paul green: " to be continued " the conditions for artists must change, even though its written to say more on the way, -as it stands, - we dont want it to continue. lol