Daily Schedule - Brindle Style 2019

Jan FebMarch April May June July Aug  Sept October November December



Monday - Organisation, Systems and Structure

Take contradiction and complexity and find a funny side.  HUMOUR - the best medicine and a powerful tool in any repertoire.   
THE NEXT STAGE:  CONTENT GENERATION  Grow in mental and physical dexterity whether you have a physical or a digital platform @ Program 2016   
Regardless of fashions, technology and economy.  In the tradition of the Maori Women's Welfare League and Te Kohanga Reo projects.  A Community Conversation with so much Life, so much potential, so much technology and plenty to be going on with.  SOCIAL INNOVATION The Brindle Style Artists network is purpose built with individualised mastery learning techniques for empowering communities @ Southern Hemisphere TROPICS of CAPRICORN  
Application Form Our Workstudy program is a rigorous schedule of immersive learning.  The workscholar complements a course of study with 20 hours per week of 'practical' - developing job discipline and workplace experience - without cost.  Usually kitchen, photgraphy, editing.
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