Premodernism and Postcolonialism

Visitors to Cairns are warned straight up "Don't go to the townships that start with 'M' - Manunda, Manoora and Mooroobool. - Moerewa/ Motown is much the same.





 "We have continual stats saying that Maori kids don't do well. You've got to look at why, what we can do to change that? We (Maori) are good sports people, good entertainers, good artists. How can we use those talents in a technology-driven world? By giving our kids the chance to enter that world." - Ngahau Davis .     


MANA Tamariki   Maiia and Ngahau Davis visited Cairns in 2009, it was great to hear their experience of community spirit and building economy from scratch.  That our optomism about the promise of information & communication technologies was well founded and is showing dividends. Gold record status. Kawa Kawa, Lyle Painting, Taanga Diaz and friends are an internet sensation with their viral video!

Maiia Brindle

  Together - We Can Do Anything 

"SOCIAL INNOVATION happens when you get as many people in as many fields of interest and endeavour as possible talking. Rather than being truly new the innovation generally comes from evolving existing ideas, rather than being truly new.  Healthy Wealthy & Wise Brindle Style - A Shared Knowledge Community


Let's Utilise the NEW media, to record, reCognise, represent and respond to the community voice.


CONTENT GENERATION - THE NEXT STAGE Healing the Problem Community Conversation 


Project and Professional Development Skills for Creative Industry. SCHOOL of ARTS We offer occasional artist- residential spaces.  To reduce the cost, woofers may complement their course of study with 20 hours per week of working in a department of operations.  Usually kitchen, yard or technical assistance.

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