A Christmas Carol |
FOR OVER 150 years the English diaspora has told The Tale of Ebeneezer Scrooge...
With just an inkpen 'n' paper. Charles Dickens weaves a magic that travels across generations, transcending time and place. "Nephew: Christmas a humbug?
Scrooge: "Merry Christmas? What right have you to be merry - you're poor enough"
Nephew: What right have you to be slack? You're rich enough"
Scrooge: "Are there no prisons? No Social Security, no legal service? I support the aforementioned establishments and the poor must go there."
After his re-evaluating... "It is a fair even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that there is nothing so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour." - Scrooge
The Adam Sandler comedy " Click" uses a spooky remote control, and the Christmas Carol premise... if life were tv -if you could fast forward and rewind - would ya give some of ya 'good ideas' deeper thought. |